Parenthood: Embracing Joy Over Expectations

I recently read a perspective on parenting from the co-founder of India's biggest stock brokerage and a well-known influencer. He said, 'I don't want to ruin 20 years of my life babysitting. What if they leave?' This was his reasoning for not wanting children. Thankfully, his parents didn't think this way, or we wouldn't have many of the significant contributions he's made today. This entire discussion reminded me of terms like DINK (Double Income No Kids) and DISK (Double Income Single Kid), which a friend of mine recently introduced to me.

Choosing to be DINK or DISK is a deeply personal decision. However, should the decision to have children really be driven by the expectation that they will take care of us in our old age? I personally believe this mindset is fundamentally flawed. A lot of previous generations thought this way, but it is really sad that someone from the new generation and an influential person is echoing this sentiment. Many young minds reading his post might start thinking along similar lines, which is concerning.

Parenting is undeniably challenging and a lifelong commitment. For the first 20 years, you're responsible for their upbringing and education, but your concerns for them will last a lifetime.

I believe we should have children because we genuinely want to experience parenthood and the joy it brings, not because we expect them to support us in our old age. The idea that "children are a safety net for old age" is something I strongly disagree with.

Children will eventually leave home; you can't expect them to stay with you forever. You just have probably 18 to 22 summers with them. All you can do is give them your best, spend quality time with them, and help them become good humans. This generation of kids is very different. They may choose to stay in touch with you in your old age, or they may not. All we can do is wish them well and hope for the best.

Parenting should be about nurturing and guiding another human being, and finding fulfillment in the growth and development of your child. It's about the love, connection, and personal growth that come from raising a child, not about ensuring you have someone to depend on later in life.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Do you believe that having children should be a choice driven by joy and the desire for parenthood, rather than expectations of support in old age? Share your opinions and experiences in the comments below!

Image Courtesy : Bing Chat Copilot


  1. Well written post :) parents should not expect kids to look after in old age but if they need the help .. kids should be willingly there to provide for the sake of humanity!


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