Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

What is the difference between Gen1 and Gen2? 

Microsoft created Data Lake Gen1 storage on top of Hadoop HDFS storage. So Gen1 has all the advantages of Hadoop HDFS. 

Microsoft has another service called Blob Storage and Blob Storage has their own advantages. 

Blob storage + Data Lake Gen1 = Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account built up on top of Blob Storage. So it looks very similar. Only the property Hierarchical namespace makes it different. If we enable this, the storage account will become Data Lake Storage Gen2 account. 

Wherever you see hierarchical namespace you should know that this is related to Data Lake Gen2

What does the Hierarchical namespace means? What is the difference between blob storage and Gen2 ?

Consider a container created inside the Data Lake storage, and if there is a need and possibility to create  another  directory inside it, more kind of folder structure inside this container. This is called hierarchical folder structure, hierarchical namespace. We cannot have a folder hierarchical structure in Blob storage, that is only possible in Lake storage.

Reference and Credits : Microsoft
