
Understanding True Couple Goals: Beyond Social Media Portrayals

In today’s social media-driven world, hashtags like #CoupleGoals and #RelationshipGoals are constantly trending. While these portrayals can be inspiring, they often create unrealistic expectations about relationships. Popular posts under #CoupleGoals typically showcase couples on exotic vacations or exchanging expensive gifts. However, these posts only capture moments rather than the complete picture of a relationship. I recently came across an Instagram post where a couple was celebrating their three-month anniversary on a private beach. The caption read, "Thanks for always being there for me, thanks for always understanding me bla bla..." Initially, I thought they had been dating for years and had finally gotten married three months ago. To my surprise, they had met on a matrimonial site just four months back. While it’s great that they have so much understanding in such a short time, what surprised me even more were the comments from their friends, calling them “inspiring”

Parenthood: Embracing Joy Over Expectations

I recently read a perspective on parenting from the co-founder of India's biggest stock brokerage and a well-known influencer. He said, 'I don't want to ruin 20 years of my life babysitting. What if they leave?' This was his reasoning for not wanting children. Thankfully, his parents didn't think this way, or we wouldn't have many of the significant contributions he's made today. This entire discussion reminded me of terms like DINK (Double Income No Kids) and DISK (Double Income Single Kid), which a friend of mine recently introduced to me. Choosing to be DINK or DISK is a deeply personal decision. However, should the decision to have children really be driven by the expectation that they will take care of us in our old age? I personally believe this mindset is fundamentally flawed. A lot of previous generations thought this way, but it is really sad that someone from the new generation and an influential person is echoing this sentiment. Many young minds r

The Reality of Remote Working Moms

Working from home means you can focus on family instead of traffic and office drama. Yes, working remotely allows for better planning and quality family time, but it doesn't mean uninterrupted hours with your children. Meetings, deadlines, and tasks, make it challenging to be there for every school pickup or bedtime story. That's where a support system comes in handy. Grandparents, daycare, or a nanny help moms juggle work and family. But even with support, the challenges persist. Kids have impeccable timing, demanding attention during meetings, craving snacks at the most inconvenient moments, or seeking a lap just as a crucial presentation begins. For moms in technical roles, the demands are even more demanding. Juggling code and childcare requires a level of multitasking that truly showcases their strength. So, the next time you see a mom working from home and assume she has it easy, remember the unseen battles she fights daily. Don't forget the mom guilt. And to all the

Mainframe Modernization

Are Mainframes still relevant ? Mainfra me  is still as  relevant  as ever for many enterprises around the world. Here’s why.  Mainframes  continue to shine at traditional tasks  Mainframes  are still hard at work doing the jobs they have traditionally done. 67 of Fortune 100 enterprises continue to use  mainframes  for their most crucial business functions.  They’re at the centre of banking, manufacturing, retail, energy, the public sector and many other industries. Over these years, mainfram ehas evovled to meet the changing market needs. What is modernization? Modernization is the act of updating organizational processes, systems, and tools to the most current versions or best practices. In the context of cloud computing, modernization is the process of transitioning an organization's applications, processes, and data management to a cloud-first approach. The goal is to improve organizational and technological performance, enhance the quality of customer and employee experiences

Understanding DevOps

DevOps :  The contraction of "Dev" and "Ops" refers to replacing siloed Development and Operations. The idea is to create multidisciplinary teams that now work together with shared and efficient practices and tools. Essential DevOps practices include agile planning, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and monitoring of applications. DevOps is a constant journey. By adopting DevOps practices : You shorten your cycle time by working in smaller batches. Using more automation. Hardening your release pipeline. Improving your telemetry. Deploying more frequently. Continuous Integration drives the ongoing merging and testing of code, leading to an early finding of defects. Other benefits include less time wasted fighting merge issues and rapid feedback for development teams. Continuous Delivery of software solutions to production and testing environments helps organizations quickly fix bugs and respond to ever-changing business requirements. Version Control, usual

SQL Data Cleaning in Real world Applications

Data Cleaning refers to the massaging of raw data to make it usable and ready for analysis.  T he process of fixing or removing incorrect, corrupted, incorrectly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data within a dataset. When combining multiple data sources, there are many opportunities for data to be duplicated or mislabeled. Examples: Data could be in un-standardized formats like in a different units of currency and it requires to be normalized to ensure comparing equally across records.  Data could be in string data types and it requires to cast each column in order to run computations. Data could be having different date formats and it requires to be standardized according to the country specifics. Removing irrelevant data Deduplicating the data or removing duplicates in other words Dealing with missing data Filtering data outliers Validating the data Most of the data scientists and analysts spend most of their time in prepping the data. Effective Data Cleaning Strategies Review t

SQL Window Functions (Basic functions overview)

Windows Function : A window function is a calculation across a set of rows in a table that are somehow related to the current row.   A window function is similar to aggregate functions combined with group by clauses but have one key difference:  Window functions retain the total number of rows between the input table and the output table (or result).  Behind the scenes, the window function is able to access more than just the current row of the query result. Use cases : 1. T o measure trends or changes over rows or records in your data. 2. To rank a column for outreach or prioritization. Partition by:  A subclause of the OVER clause. Similar to GROUP BY. Over:  Typically precedes the partition by that signals what to “GROUP BY”. Aggregates:  Aggregate functions that are used in window functions, too (e.g., sum, count, avg). Row_number():  Ranking function where each row gets a different number. Rank():  Ranking function where a row could get the same rank if they have the same value. D