Linux Commands and Shell Scripting

Shell Script :
A shell script is a computer program designed to be run by the Unix/Linux shell which could be one of the following:
The Bourne Shell
The C Shell
The Korn Shell
The GNU Bourne-Again Shell

Shell :
A shell is a command-line interpreter / user interface for running commands.
A shell, which enables access to files, utilities, and applications, is also an interactive language.
A shell is also a scripting language. And it can be used to automate tasks and typical operations performed by shell scripts include file manipulation, program execution, and printing text.

The default shell on linux systems is the bash(‘bourne again shell').

To find out what the default is, enter ‘printenv SHELL’ on the command line.
This returns the path to the default shell program, which in this case is bash.
If your default shell is not Bash, you can always switch to it,   simply by entering
'bash' on the command line.

Shell command applications :
  1. Getting Information
  2. Navigating and working with files and directories
  3. Printing file and string contents
  4. Compression and archiving
  5. Performing network operations
  6. Monitoring performance and status
  7. Running batch jobs

Linux and Bash Command Cheat Sheet: The Basics

Getting information

# return your user name

# return your user and group id

# return operating system name, username, and other info
uname -a

# display reference manual for a command
man top

# get help on a command
curl --help

# return the current date and time

The following command displays current date in mm/dd/yy format.

date  "+%D"

Here are some of the popular format specifiers that you can try out.

%dDisplay the day of the month (01 to 31)
%hDisplays abbreviated month name (Jan to Dec)
%mDisplays the month of year (01 to 12)
%YDisplay four-digit year
%TDisplay the time in 24 hour format as HH:MM:SS
%HDisplay the hour

Monitoring performance and status

# list selection of or all running processes and their PIDs
ps -e

# display resource usage

When top started for the first time, you'll be presented with the following elements on the main top screen.
  • Summary Area. - shows information like system uptime, number of users, load average, memory usage 
  • Fields/Columns Header.
  • Task Area.

The output keeps refreshing until you press 'q' or Ctrl+c

Using 'top' we can find out which process is consuming the most resources, can press the following keys while 'top' is running to sort the list :

M - sort by memory usage
P - sort by CPU usage
N - sort by process ID
T - sort by the running time

# list mounted file systems and usage

Working with files

# copy a file
cp file.txt new_path/new_name.txt

# change file name or path
mv this_file.txt that_path/that_file.txt

# remove a file verbosely
rm this_old_file.txt -v

# create an empty file, or update existing file's timestamp
touch a_new_file.txt

# change/modify file permissions to 'execute' for all users
chmod +x

r, w and xrepresenting read, write and execute permissions respectively
u,g and orepresenting user categories owner, group and others respectively
+, -representing grant and revoke operations respectively

# get count of lines, words, or characters in file
wc -l table_of_data.csv
wc -w my_essay.txt
wc -m some_document.txt

# return lines matching a pattern from files matching a filename pattern - case insensitive and whole words only
grep -iw hello \*.txt

# return file names with lines matching the pattern 'hello' from files matching a filename pattern
grep -l hello \*.txt

Navigating and working with directories

# list files and directories by date, newest last
ls -lrt

Here are some popular options to try with the ls command.

-alist all the files including hidden files
-dlist directories themselves, not their contents
-hwith -l and -s, print sizes like 1K, 234M, 2G etc
-llong listing of files which include information about permission, owner, size etc
-Fclassify files by appending type indcator like *,/ etc. to file names
-rreverse order while sorting
-Ssort by file size, largest first
-tsort by time, newest first

# find files in directory tree with suffix 'sh'
find -name '\*.sh'

# return present working directory

# make a new directory
mkdir new_folder

# change the current directory: up one level, home, or some other path
cd ../
cd ~ or cd
cd another_directory

# remove directory, verbosely
rmdir temp_directory -v

Printing file and string contents

# print file contents

# print file contents page-by-page
more ReadMe.txt

# print first N lines of file
head -10 data_table.csv

# print last N lines of file
tail -10 data_table.csv

# print string or variable value
echo "I am not a robot"
echo "I am $USERNAME"

Compression and archiving

# archive a set of files
tar -cvf my_archive.tar.gz file1 file2 file3

# compress a set of files
zip file1 file2
zip directory1 directory2

# extract files from a compressed zip archive
unzip -d extract_to_this_direcory

Performing network operations

# print hostname

# send packets to URL and print response

# display or configure system network interfaces

# display contents of file at a URL
curl <url>

# download file from a URL
wget <url>

Bash shebang


Pipes and Filters

# chain filter commands using the pipe operator
ls | sort -r

# pipe the output of manual page for ls to head to display the first 20 lines
man ls | head -20

Shell and Environment Variables

# list all shell variables

# define a shell variable called my_planet and assign value Earth to it

# display shell variable
echo $my_planet

# list all environment variables

# environment vars: define/extend variable scope to child processes
export my_planet
export my_galaxy='Milky Way'


# comments
# The shell will not respond to this message

# command separator
echo 'here are some files and folders'; ls

# file name expansion wildcard
ls *.json

# single character wildcard
ls file_2021-06-??.json


# single quotes - interpret literally
echo 'My home directory can be accessed by entering: echo $HOME'

# double quotes - interpret literally, but evaluate metacharacters
echo "My home directory is $HOME"

# backslash - escape metacharacter interpretation
echo "This dollar sign should render: \$"

Special CharacterMeaning
\nRepresents a newline character
\tA tab character

I/O Redirection

# redirect output to file
echo 'Write this text to file x' > x

# append output to file
echo 'Add this line to file x' >> x

# redirect standard error to file
bad_command_1 2> error.log

# append standard error to file
bad_command_2 2>> error.log

# redirect file contents to standard input
$ tr “[a-z]” “[A-Z]” < a_text_file.txt

# the input redirection above is equivalent to
$cat a_text_file.txt | tr “[a-z]” “[A-Z]”

Command Substitution

# capture output of a command and echo its value
echo "There is no time like $THE_PRESENT"

Command line arguments

./ arg1 arg2 arg3

Batch vs. concurrent modes

# run commands sequentially
start=$(date); ./ ; end=$(date)

# run commands in parallel
./ & ./

Scheduling jobs with Cron

# open crontab editor
crontab -e

# job scheduling syntax
m h dom mon dow command
minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week
* means any

# append the date/time to file every Sunday at 6:15 pm
15 18 * * 0 date >> sundays.txt

# run a shell script on the first minute of the first day of each month
1 0 1 * * ./

# back up your home directory every Monday at 3 am
0 3 * * 1 tar -cvf my_backup_path\my_archive.tar.gz $HOME\

# deploy your cron job
Close the crontab editor and save the file

# list all cron jobs
crontab -l
