Bash Scripting Advanced

Filters :
These are shell commands, which :
  • Take input from standard input
  • Send output to standard output
  • Transform input data to output data
  • Examples are wc, cat, more, head, sort
  • Filters can be chained together
Pipes :
Pipe command - |
  • For chaining filter commands   :  commands1 | commands2
  • Here the Output of commands1 is the input of commands2
Summary :
  • Shell variables are variables that are limited in scope to the shell in which they were created. Accordingly, shells cannot “see” each other’s shell variables.
  • Filters are shell commands or programs such as wc, cat, sort , etc. that transform the input provided to them.
  • The pipe operator can be used to create a pipeline of chained filter commands, whereby output of one command becomes the input of another command.
  • Shell variables can be assigned values with a simple equal sign, and listed using the ‘set’ command.
  • Environment variables are shell variables with scope extended to all child processes of the shell.  They are created using the ‘export’ command and listed using the ‘env’ command.
Metacharacters :

Metacharacters are special characters that have meaning to the shell.
Quoting :

Quoting is used to specify whether the shell should interpret special characters as metacharacters,
or ‘escape’ them

Refers to a set of features used for redirecting either the standard input, which is the keyboard, or the standard output, which is the terminal.
